Learn what airhostes do in 12 points, in flight

Recently, SpiceJet air hostess accused the airline company of taking clothes and taking search. Some women even said that their underwear was removed. The women alleged that they were asked to remove sanitary pads. The company has said to investigate the whole issue. Its video is also becoming viral in the social media.
There are many girls dream of becoming a air hostess, but do you know that this field looks more glamorous than the outside, it is not really glamorous. There are many challenges before airhostes. Today we are telling 12 points which every air hostess has to do. This is what air hostess has shared with the media in separate interviews. With this in this profession, learn the girls who wish to know what kind of challenges they can get in the future. This will enable them to prepare themselves for this..
> There is full day training program from time to time. It also includes fire drills (fire drills).
> Training of the mock drill, it is taught how in the opposite conditions can the airlines be emptied, it is taught.
> How to get landed in the emergency, it is repeatedly trained.
> There is hard response exam with First Aid training.
> First Aid Instructions is provided with all airhostes with Safety Manual.
They do not just have to read, but have to follow completely.

> Airhostes have to take at least a knowledge of the medical field so that they can secure the passenger's life in the opposite situation.

air hostess has told in the media that 60 per cent of training is related to safety and emergency.

> To stay in the profession, every air hostess has to go through a medical test from time to time and have to do refresher course.

> There is a challenge to keep yourself fit every year, this job can not be done only once with a degree.

> Physical and mental stroke, as well as skin care, special care and body weight should be kept in control.

> The beauty and maintenance of any model, actress airhostess is to be done. Without it the job is not able to run.

> Many passenger air hostess also do maladies. They have been offered with up to sleeping offers. In spite of this, air hostess has to deal with humility because training is given to him.
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2 April 2018 at 11:17 ×

i hope u like it

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...