In engagement Nita Ambani wore off-white ethnic dress, while Mukesh Ambani was seen in half-sleeves check shirt. Along with them, Mukesh Ambani's mom was seen in Kokilaben Pink Sari.
At the same time, Akash Ambani was in trousers and blazer, Shloka Mehta appeared in the Rose Border Shimri Gown of Gray Color. This shawl of Shloka Mehta belongs to the British label Needle and Thread. The price of the gown is close to 850 lb i.e. 75 thousand rupees.
Alia was dressed in a similar fashion at Goa Film Festival ...
In the year 2017, Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt wore a similar dress in the International Film Festival of India in Goa, only her color was black.
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